

  • service
  • fabric
  • info
  • heartbeat

通常情况下,只有服务和心跳分小节需要修改。在服务节确保访问地址配置,应用程序将与网络接口。从服务器版本3.3.26这个访问地址应该是一个物理网络接口地址。在虚拟访问地址需要使用virtual关键字,例如访问虚拟地址192.168.1.100。 Typically, only the service and heartbeat sub-stanzas need modification. In the service stanza ensure that access-address is configured to the network interface that the Application will communicate to. From server version 3.3.26 this access-address should be one of the physical network interface address. In case of vitual access-address use virtual keyword in the end, e.g. access-address virtual

network {
  service {
    address any                  # IP of the NIC on which the service is
                               # listening.
    port 3000                    # port on which the service is listening.
    access-address # IP address exported to clients that access
                               # the service.

  fabric {
    address any
    port 3001   # Intra-cluster communication port (migrates, replication, etc).

  info {
    address any
    port 3003   # Plain text telnet management port.

  heartbeat {
    mode multicast                  # Send heartbeats using Multicast
    address              # multicast address
    port 9918                       # multicast port
    interface-address # IP of the NIC to use to send out heartbeat
                                    # and bind fabric ports
    interval 150                    # Number of milliseconds between heartbeats
    timeout 10                      # Number of heartbeat intervals to wait
                                    # before timing out a node

#  heartbeat {
#    mode mesh                   # Send heartbeats using Mesh (Unicast) protocol
#    address       # IP of the NIC on which this node is listening
#                                # to heartbeat
#    port 3002                   # port on which this node is listening to
#                                # heartbeat
#    mesh-seed-address-port 3002 # IP address for seed node in the cluster
#    mesh-seed-address-port 3002 # IP address for seed node in the cluster
#    interval 150                # Number of milliseconds between heartbeats
#    timeout 20                  # Number of heartbeat intervals to wait before
#                                # timing out a node
#  }

什么是访问地址? What is access-address?


The access-address parameter determines the address which is published for client access. It is recommended when an Aerospike node has multiple IP addresses to publish an access-address pointing to desired IP in the config.




If the nodes have multiple IP addresses, the clients will see multiple server IPs for each node. Some of the clients (like java) can de-duplicate the duplicate IPs based on node-id. Where as some tools (AMC, asmonitor) may not be able to de-duplicate. Tools like asmonitor may report such scenarios with cluster visibility false error since it sees a mismatch between cluster size and number of server IPs.

This does not impact the working of clients but only causes a problem with the tools.