使用Binary Package安装

wget -O aerospike.tgz 'http://aerospike.com/download/server/latest/artifact/tgz'
tar -xvf aerospike.tgz
cd aerospike-server
./bin/aerospike init
sudo ./bin/aerospike start && \
sudo tail -f ./var/log/aerospike/aerospike.log | grep cake
# wait for it. "service ready: soon there will be cake!"


本教程安装的aerospike使用Linux的glibc 2.11或以上版本。glibc 2.11发布2009年1月,和大多数的Linux发行版——Debian 6 +,Centos 6 + 12 + OpenSUSE,Ubuntu 10.04 +支持这个版本


Download Aerospike


  1. 下载aerospike Community Edition

wget -O aerospike.tgz 'http://aerospike.com/download/server/latest/artifact/tgz'


Install Aerospike


  1. 解压安装包 tar -xvf aerospike.tgz && cd aerospike-server

  2. Initialize Aerospike Server

接下来,我们将需要在主机上初始化一个目录作为 aerospike instance:

./bin/aerospike init --help # to see the initialization options ./bin/aerospike init


./bin/aerospike         - The management script to manage this instance.
./bin/asd               - The aerospike server daemon.
./etc/aerospike.conf    - The configuration file used by this instance.
./share/                - Contains read-only files, used by this instance.
./var/                  - Contains runtime files generated by asd, including logs and data files.

4.Install Aerospike Tools



# Red Hat Variants:
wget -O aerospike-tools.tgz 'http://aerospike.com/download/server/latest/artifact/el6'
# Debian 6:
wget -O aerospike-tools.tgz 'http://aerospike.com/download/server/latest/artifact/debian6'
# Debian 7:
wget -O aerospike-tools.tgz 'http://aerospike.com/download/server/latest/artifact/debian7'
# Ubuntu 12.04 LTS or newer:
wget -O aerospike-tools.tgz 'http://aerospike.com/download/server/latest/artifact/ubuntu12'


tar -xvf aerospike-tools.tgz && cd aerospike-server-community-
# Red Hat Variants:
rpm -Uvh aerospike-tools-.el6.x86_64.rpm
# Debian 6:
dpkg -i aerospike-tools-.debian6.x86_64.deb
# Debian 7:
dpkg -i aerospike-tools-.debian7.x86_64.deb
# Ubuntu 12.04 LTS or newer:
dpkg -i aerospike-tools-*.ubuntu12.04.x86_64.deb

此安装将增加有用的工具在 /opt/aerospike/bin 和 连接[link] them from /usr/bin.

Run Aerospike

Aerospike includes an init script for running the server, located in ./bin/aerospike. This script will manage the Aerospike Server Daemon (asd) located in ./bin.

The aerospike instance will store log files in ./var/log and system data in ./share. If you change the user for the Aerospike process, then you will need to ensure the user has permissions for ./var/log and ./share.

  1. Start Aerospike sudo service aerospike start

6.检查运行状态 Verify Aerospike is Running

sudo service aerospike status

你也可以查看服务器日志 位置在/var/log/aerospike/aerospike.log,你可以看到

Jun 22 2014 03:35:33 GMT: INFO (as): (as.c::376) service ready: soon there will be cake!


  1. 接下来 Next Steps

